
koraidon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1053件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
refluxio MXM 18 7573 -282 96.41%
rhythmology study MXM 17 5803 -36 99.38%
shiningray EXH 13 2352 -9 99.62%
shiny rainbow flower EXH 15 4700 -6 99.87%
sink into the dream MXM 17 5107 -39 99.24%
smooooch・∀・ KN mix EXH 13 4534 -18 99.6%
smooooch・∀・ KN mix XCD 17 6095 -62 98.99%
snow motion EXH 13 4127 -2 99.95%
snow storm -euphoria- GRV 19 7248 -103 98.6%
snow storm -euphoria- EXH 17 6977 -61 99.13%
sparky spark MXM 17 5357 -63 98.84%
spectroscape EXH 16 5316 -50 99.07%
starmine (nora2r Remix) MXM 16 5050 -26 99.49%
stellar rain MXM 18 6025 -27 99.55%
taboo tears you up 2008 EXH 15 4529 -22 99.52%
take a step forward HVN 17 6477 -81 98.76%
toy boxer MXM 17 4955 -7 99.86%
trea→journey MXM 18 6964 -114 98.39%
tricky trick EXH 18 7650 -29 99.62%
veRtrageS EXH 18 7781 -65 99.17%
vivid landscape MXM 17 5427 -22 99.6%
wander+wonder+wand EXH 15 4277 -21 99.51%
waxing and wanding(SS Remix) MXM 16 5104 -82 98.42%
werewolf howls. EXH 18 6828 -41 99.4%
who I am MXM 17 4694 -50 98.95%