
koraidon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1053件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Dyscontrolled Galaxy EXH 17 6331 -144 97.78%
Preserved Valkyria EXH 18 6914 -99 98.59%
VOLTEXES II EXH 15 3759 -10 99.73%
Sailing Force EXH 17 5569 -74 98.69%
End to end EXH 18 5972 -21 99.65%
Paranoia EXH 16 5537 -3 99.95%
macaron EXH 15 5550 -9 99.84%
LegenD. EXH 18 7346 -59 99.2%
FIN4LE ~終止線の彼方へ~ EXH 18 6071 -59 99.04%
Invitation from Mr.C EXH 18 6744 -38 99.44%
The willow and snow EXH 14 3880 -15 99.61%
ΕΛΠΙΣ EXH 17 6321 -61 99.04%
Witch in Sweetsland EXH 17 6759 -115 98.33%
Backflow EXH 17 4807 -49 98.99%
レトロスペクティビリー・メリーゴーランド EXH 12 3695 -5 99.86%
いまきみに EXH 18 7062 -58 99.19%
赫焉 EXH 17 7193 -28 99.61%
雪女 EXH 16 5436 -33 99.4%
Bangin' Burst EXH 18 8131 -17 99.79%
For UltraPlayers EXH 18 7271 -63 99.14%
choux à la crème EXH 16 5892 -19 99.68%
BUBBLE RAVER EXH 15 4681 -4 99.91%
Paradoxy EXH 15 4447 -14 99.69%
放課後ストライド EXH 16 5592 -28 99.5%
Daily Lunch Special ~DeliciousREMIX~ EXH 15 4613 -29 99.38%