
knd_rice さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2192件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
WHITEOUT MXM 20 8899 -451 95.18%
WHITEOUT EXH 18 7556 -112 98.54%
WICKeD CRφSS MXM 17 5119 -38 99.26%
WILD FIRE MXM 17 4908 -7 99.86%
WINNING ROAD MXM 18 6453 -114 98.26%
WONDER_WOBBLER MXM 17 6412 -35 99.46%
WWW MXM 17 4542 -60 98.7%
Warriors Aboot EXH 18 6132 -92 98.52%
Wave of Craze EXH 15 3833 -10 99.74%
We Are All The Dreamer MXM 18 4585 -43 99.07%
We Go Down EXH 15 4579 -24 99.48%
We Go Down MXM 18 6807 -70 98.98%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit MXM 18 6072 -77 98.75%
Wheel EXH 16 4656 -25 99.47%
Wheel HVN 17 5281 -100 98.14%
White Stream MXM 18 7402 -165 97.82%
White Stream EXH 16 4850 -113 97.72%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 7018 -133 98.14%
Wings of Glory EXH 15 5105 -37 99.28%
Wings to fly high EXH 16 5851 -72 98.78%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7390 -136 98.19%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7823 -143 98.2%
Wish upon Twin Stars EXH 17 6151 -140 97.77%
Witch in Sweetsland EXH 17 6794 -80 98.84%
With It This Heaven? MXM 18 7006 -136 98.1%