
picoltex さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3045件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▼ %
Lowermost revolt MXM 18 6987 -15 99.79%
Opium and Purple haze EXH 17 5093 -15 99.71%
LegenD. EXH 18 7390 -15 99.8%
患部で止まってすぐ溶ける ~ 狂気の優曇華院 INF 17 6488 -15 99.77%
デッドボヲルdeホームラン EXH 15 3906 -15 99.62%
Kontrol Line MXM 18 6928 -15 99.78%
すきなことだけでいいです MXM 16 4596 -15 99.67%
CENSORED!! EXH 17 5825 -15 99.74%
Sakura Reflection (P*Light Slayer Remix) VVD 18 6201 -15 99.76%
イグノアザーズ MXM 18 5949 -15 99.75%
Never Ending Future EXH 16 5999 -15 99.75%
Midnight City Warfare EXH 16 5151 -15 99.71%
Lunatic Sprinter MXM 18 6879 -15 99.78%
Warriors Aboot EXH 18 6209 -15 99.76%
Vampire's Territory EXH 17 5580 -15 99.73%
FIRE FIRE(Kazmasa Remix) EXH 17 6420 -15 99.77%
gigadelic -stance xxxx- EXH 17 5800 -15 99.74%
take a step forward HVN 17 6543 -15 99.77%
The EXworld of sound MXM 18 7447 -15 99.8%
ΣMERGENCY CODΣ MXM 18 8458 -15 99.82%
Parousia EXH 17 6592 -15 99.77%
リュミレイラ MXM 18 9312 -15 99.84%
Double or Nothing MXM 18 6763 -15 99.78%
Aragami MXM 17 6482 -15 99.77%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- EXH 16 6245 -15 99.76%