
sprngmao さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3110件
曲名 難易度 ▼ Lv EX Score MAX- %
響縁 EXH 16 5154 -4 99.92%
双翼 - Black Wings - SDVX Edit. - EXH 16 5469 -1 99.98%
Xeno Gravity EXH 17 5179 -47 99.1%
Lord=Crossight EXH 17 5731 -36 99.38%
CUDDLIE CUDDLIE EXH 15 4352 -8 99.82%
ステラ・イミグレーション EXH 15 4812 -10 99.79%
freaky freak EXH 15 4850 -118 97.62%
零天視 EXH 16 5739 -11 99.81%
Garland EXH 15 4698 -9 99.81%
S(TAR)²☆pistol EXH 16 5304 -17 99.68%
異次元の孤独~カナタノキミヘ~ EXH 16 6181 -7 99.89%
Crawl Out Immortal EXH 15 5104 0 100.0%
Wuv U -More2 HAPPY Re-Mix Special- EXH 15 4773 0 100.0%
SΛMVICΛ EXH 16 7078 -18 99.75%
Ars Magna EXH 16 4841 -10 99.79%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit EXH 15 4039 -4 99.9%
Inevitable Magic EXH 16 4618 -2 99.96%
HALO EXH 17 5798 -6 99.9%
オニユリ EXH 16 6050 -12 99.8%
MAX 300 takamatt MIN REMIX EXH 13 2747 -11 99.6%
Double or Nothing EXH 16 4776 -6 99.87%
Teufel EXH 16 5464 -16 99.71%
Rebellious stage EXH 10 2619 -2 99.92%
We Are All The Dreamer EXH 15 3454 -2 99.94%
archive::zip EXH 14 4093 -2 99.95%