
sprngmao さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3126件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Rebirth EXH 13 3985 -8 99.8%
gigadelic -stance xxxx- EXH 17 5773 -42 99.28%
shiny rainbow flower EXH 15 4699 -7 99.85%
I love you even now EXH 13 3253 -10 99.69%
second spring storm EXH 12 3303 0 100.0%
sweet dream EXH 13 4271 -4 99.91%
WAVE WAVE WAVE EXH 13 3673 -12 99.67%
ぱられる EXH 13 3530 -6 99.83%
GODHEART EXH 17 6231 -12 99.81%
ハウトゥー世界征服 EXH 14 3670 -8 99.78%
Monkey Business (lapix Remix) EXH 16 4362 -9 99.79%
The Wind of Gold (folkcore remix) EXH 14 4062 -3 99.93%
世界の果てに約束の凱歌を -VOLTEX Mix- EXH 15 4458 -5 99.89%
Belly Flopper EXH 15 5039 -4 99.92%
ARROW RAIN feat. ayame EXH 16 5473 -2 99.96%
プログレなぞなぞクイズのテーマ EXH 15 3868 -18 99.54%
ぼくらしかしらない EXH 17 5930 -7 99.88%
Hexennacht EXH 15 3314 -1 99.97%
迷妄少年と小世界 EXH 13 3520 -10 99.72%
Attack on Dwarf EXH 14 3876 0 100.0%
Rubeus EXH 17 5763 -4 99.93%
#FairyJoke #SDVX_Edit EXH 17 4744 -4 99.92%
Blue Forest (Prog Keys Remix) EXH 14 3387 -27 99.21%
further the future EXH 15 4027 -11 99.73%
バンブーソード・ガール EXH 17 6426 -18 99.72%