
sprngmao さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3126件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
悪戯センセーション MXM 17 6455 -7 99.89%
Max Burning!! EXH 17 5965 -18 99.7%
Bye or not MXM 17 5933 -1 99.98%
竹取飛翔 HVN 17 6008 -18 99.7%
3y3s (JMBS FUNKOT RMX) MXM 17 6324 -26 99.59%
Carry Me Away MXM 17 5862 -14 99.76%
少女暴動 EXH 17 5884 -13 99.78%
Opium and Purple haze EXH 17 5104 -4 99.92%
Flip Flap MXM 17 4909 -11 99.78%
Chronomia EXH 17 7925 -4 99.95%
STYX HELIX(Digi-Rock Remix) MXM 17 4418 -13 99.71%
Believe (y)our Wings {V:IVID RAYS} MXM 17 5870 -11 99.81%
Poison AND÷OR Affection MXM 17 5993 -3 99.95%
MilK MXM 17 5678 -13 99.77%
Enigma II MXM 17 6718 -27 99.6%
Borealis EXH 17 6450 -5 99.92%
Harpuia EXH 17 5656 -37 99.35%
HAELEQUIN EXH 17 5642 -40 99.3%
Splash Underwater MXM 17 6405 -10 99.84%
Halcyon EXH 17 6321 -55 99.14%
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて~凛 edition~ EXH 17 5964 -37 99.38%
Sakura Mirage EXH 17 5751 -17 99.71%
カミサマネジマキ GRV 17 4953 -39 99.22%
Distorted Floor INF 17 5832 -29 99.51%
The End of War EXH 17 6409 -20 99.69%