
sprngmao さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3126件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
鬼天 EXH 17 5639 -7 99.88%
Zero-Day Exploit EXH 17 6261 -22 99.65%
デュアルメモリ MXM 17 6142 -2 99.97%
If MXM 17 5091 -8 99.84%
MAXIVCORD MXM 17 4643 -22 99.53%
Junk Mania MXM 17 5384 -14 99.74%
2 MINUTES FIGHTERS EXH 17 6569 -16 99.76%
紅の剣舞 EXH 17 6472 -17 99.74%
Quietus Ray EXH 17 6643 -55 99.18%
Double Universe GRV 17 6284 -22 99.65%
Hellfire EXH 17 6258 -15 99.76%
AA BlackY mix INF 17 5510 -24 99.57%
Booths of Fighters EXH 17 6207 -29 99.53%
放課後ストライド HVN 17 7402 -11 99.85%
EGG GRV 17 5862 -17 99.71%
Witch in Sweetsland EXH 17 6840 -34 99.51%
ウバワレ GRV 17 5604 -17 99.7%
éclair au chocolat GRV 17 5537 -7 99.87%
Rebuilding of Paradise Lost MXM 17 6190 -6 99.9%
Verse IV EXH 17 6814 -52 99.24%
cloud HVN 17 3951 -9 99.77%
good high school INF 17 4360 -6 99.86%
見世物ライフ MXM 17 7044 -4 99.94%
perditus†paradisus EXH 17 6573 -23 99.65%
[ ]DENTITY EXH 17 7174 -47 99.35%