
sprngmao さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3126件
曲名 難易度 ▼ Lv EX Score MAX- %
777 EXH 17 8448 -41 99.52%
ここからよろしく大作戦143 EXH 14 4103 -4 99.9%
世界の果てに約束の凱歌を -VOLTEX Mix- EXH 15 4458 -5 99.89%
プログレなぞなぞクイズのテーマ EXH 15 3868 -18 99.54%
Hexennacht EXH 15 3314 -1 99.97%
Blue Forest (Prog Keys Remix) EXH 14 3387 -27 99.21%
緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 (nayuta 2017 ver) EXH 15 5324 0 100.0%
Destr0yer EXH 15 4129 -7 99.83%
ディスコルディア EXH 17 5586 -33 99.41%
onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- EXH 17 5828 -41 99.3%
Lazurite EXH 15 4919 -4 99.92%
Φnd:you EXH 16 4305 -18 99.58%
Verflucht EXH 16 4707 -6 99.87%
恋愛♡悪戯!?まじかる☆ぱふゅ~む!! EXH 16 4963 0 100.0%
門門しましょ EXH 14 4145 -8 99.81%
Innocent EXH 16 6114 -1 99.98%
VALKYRIE ASSAULT EXH 16 5140 -24 99.54%
Metagame Matador EXH 16 4438 -13 99.71%
ラヴ♡チャンス!! EXH 16 4057 -2 99.95%
EMERALDAS (Yuta Imai Remix) EXH 16 4876 -1 99.98%
Scars of FAUNA(ろひ Remix) EXH 16 4295 -3 99.93%
Symphonic Tear EXH 16 4605 -7 99.85%
Bad Elixir EXH 16 5726 -12 99.79%
プナイプナイたいそう EXH 16 3519 -14 99.6%
Ichi-Go! DX Pancake! EXH 15 4435 -15 99.66%