
sprngmao さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3126件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
taboo tears you up 2008 EXH 15 4551 0 100.0%
take a step forward HVN 17 6520 -38 99.42%
take a step forward EXH 15 5677 -11 99.81%
toy boxer EXH 15 3798 -10 99.74%
toy boxer MXM 17 4956 -6 99.88%
trea→journey EXH 16 4488 -21 99.53%
trea→journey MXM 18 7009 -69 99.03%
tricky trick EXH 18 7628 -51 99.34%
true feeling?~本当の気持ち♪~ EXH 12 3573 -1 99.97%
twilight signal EXH 15 4193 -2 99.95%
ultra turbo MXM 17 5249 -28 99.47%
veRtrageS XCD 19 8629 -80 99.08%
veRtrageS EXH 18 7823 -23 99.71%
vivid landscape MXM 17 5427 -22 99.6%
vivid landscape EXH 15 3770 -20 99.47%
voltississimo MXM 19 9041 -78 99.14%
voltississimo EXH 17 6056 -18 99.7%
wander+wonder+wand EXH 15 4298 0 100.0%
waxing and wanding MXM 18 6408 -1 99.98%
waxing and wanding EXH 16 4958 0 100.0%
waxing and wanding(SS Remix) MXM 16 5186 0 100.0%
werewolf howls. EXH 18 6836 -33 99.52%
while (screen is blue) MXM 19 6894 -504 93.19%
while (screen is blue) EXH 17 4338 -649 86.99%
who I am MXM 17 4723 -21 99.56%