
sprngmao さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3126件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
Spirit of the Beast EXH 16 4482 -14 99.69%
Let's Bounce !! MXM 16 4377 -14 99.68%
Red+White=Kawaii EXH 16 5164 -9 99.83%
Mirrorwall EXH 16 4977 -27 99.46%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5141 -5 99.9%
Bad Apple!! feat. nomico INF 16 4150 -3 99.93%
Help me, CODYYYYYY!! GRV 16 5235 -3 99.94%
ポメグラネイト EXH 16 4195 -7 99.83%
Beyond the BLUE EXH 16 4018 -11 99.73%
アライヴ MXM 16 5143 0 100.0%
Together Going My Way MXM 16 5847 -5 99.91%
Monkey Business(Band Edit.) EXH 16 5765 -32 99.45%
誰が為に兎は舞う=狂速狂騒曲= EXH 16 5478 -8 99.85%
Crack Traxxxx EXH 16 6288 -7 99.89%
Beyond the Sandstorm EXH 16 4075 -7 99.83%
弱虫モンブラン MXM 16 4407 -4 99.91%
Star☆Beat EXH 16 5271 0 100.0%
4NT1 D34D MXM 16 3787 0 100.0%
忘れないように、失くさないように EXH 16 6046 -26 99.57%
Random Box MXM 16 4059 -6 99.85%
テレポーテーションでやってきた彼とのその後の顛末 MXM 16 5524 -2 99.96%
Lionheart MXM 16 5055 -10 99.8%
LastΩmegA EXH 16 4998 -11 99.78%
ΣMERGENCY CODΣ EXH 16 6255 -3 99.95%
Marielle EXH 16 5473 -17 99.69%