
yuzu83 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2366件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Angelic Jelly EXH 16 4811 -54 98.89%
NEO TREASON EXH 16 6270 -161 97.5%
eastward -sdvx edit- EXH 16 5086 -88 98.3%
Completeness Under Incompleteness EXH 16 5807 -160 97.32%
The End of War EXH 17 6114 -315 95.1%
Celestial stinger EXH 16 4653 -142 97.04%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. EXH 17 5022 -115 97.76%
akasha-assembly EXH 17 5126 -69 98.67%
ウエンレラの氷華 EXH 16 6026 -123 98.0%
Everything but the Girl EXH 13 4358 -17 99.61%
Never Let It End EXH 13 3473 -12 99.66%
MERRiESTxHOLiC EXH 13 3732 -39 98.97%
Laughin' Muffin EXH 16 4877 -87 98.25%
Locus of Control EXH 13 4270 -34 99.21%
或る春の日 EXH 14 4639 -15 99.68%
善悪の頂にある真実 EXH 13 3806 -71 98.17%
Solitude & Nightmare EXH 16 4755 -68 98.59%
Discover the Life EXH 16 5405 -54 99.01%
踊るフィーバーロボ EXH 16 4694 -122 97.47%
Get back here EXH 16 4508 -63 98.62%
Time to Air -Fly High Remix- EXH 17 6579 -127 98.11%
Deadly Dolly Dance EXH 17 4920 -195 96.19%
花ノ下連歌 EXH 16 5088 -104 98.0%
Ultimate Ascension EXH 18 6532 -202 97.0%
鳥と桜と嘴と EXH 13 4255 -10 99.77%