
yvgb さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2955件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
光風霽月 EXH 16 5107 -35 99.32%
トラウィスカルパンテクートリ EXH 16 4273 -37 99.14%
Souhait bleu EXH 16 5139 -12 99.77%
Electric "Sister" Bitch EXH 16 4782 -20 99.58%
Innocent Azure EXH 16 5433 -7 99.87%
Atropa bella-donna EXH 16 5918 -14 99.76%
Barbatos EXH 16 5798 -18 99.69%
Russet EXH 16 4834 -7 99.86%
Macuilxochitl (Latin Jazz Mix) EXH 16 4594 -53 98.86%
放課後ストライド EXH 16 5605 -15 99.73%
spectroscape EXH 16 5351 -15 99.72%
Glorious Journey EXH 16 6648 -32 99.52%
She is my wife EXH 16 4423 -51 98.86%
Lo-Fi-M EXH 16 4137 -13 99.69%
birth EXH 16 6024 -5 99.92%
Crack Traxxxx EXH 16 6278 -17 99.73%
翠雨の祷 EXH 16 5408 -19 99.65%
恋するレインガール VVD 16 5403 -2 99.96%
Grand Chariot EXH 16 5532 -11 99.8%
Angelic Jelly EXH 16 4850 -15 99.69%
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- VVD 16 5460 -9 99.84%
waxing and wanding EXH 16 4956 -2 99.96%
うぇるかむ -||祭みっくす||- EXH 16 4901 -55 98.89%
Aurolla EXH 16 5801 -27 99.54%
Grandeur EXH 16 4682 -18 99.62%