
suzuha さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1633件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
All for One EXH 16 5448 -26 99.53%
SuperMiracleEnsemble EXH 16 4825 -17 99.65%
AIM HIGHER EXH 16 4370 -13 99.7%
Wings to fly high EXH 16 5908 -15 99.75%
恋愛♡悪戯!?まじかる☆ぱふゅ~む!! EXH 16 4945 -18 99.64%
refluxio EXH 16 5439 -48 99.13%
Heroine is here MXM 16 4722 -35 99.26%
Decadence Mission EXH 16 4897 -15 99.69%
THE WORLD REVOLVING EXH 16 5840 -46 99.22%
Elemental Creation -xiRemix- EXH 16 6120 -33 99.46%
Across the Starlight EXH 16 4671 -18 99.62%
Stairway to the sun EXH 16 4583 -18 99.61%
Verflucht EXH 16 4690 -23 99.51%
Lionheart MXM 16 5055 -10 99.8%
FLOWER REDALiCE Remix EXH 16 6034 -26 99.57%
Princess Rose(Sunshine Mix) MXM 16 4066 -13 99.68%
Monkey Business (lapix Remix) EXH 16 4362 -9 99.79%
FEEL THE FORCE EXH 16 4625 -18 99.61%
恋は君のそばでサクラサク MXM 16 4032 -14 99.65%
追憶のアリア MXM 16 4858 -25 99.49%
dreamin' of u MXM 16 5300 -14 99.74%
カタルシスの月 EXH 16 5385 -11 99.8%
Your SOUL Is Mine EXH 16 4455 -19 99.58%
EMERALDAS (Yuta Imai Remix) EXH 16 4870 -7 99.86%
踊るフィーバーロボ EXH 16 4773 -43 99.11%