
chrs4lfe さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1017件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▲ MAX- %
Invisible Bullets EXH 15 3849 -9 99.77%
Mother Ship (C-YA MIX) EXH 15 3850 -7 99.82%
FAKE STYLE II EXH 15 3868 -4 99.9%
超恋愛☆エクストリーム・ガール EXH 15 3881 -12 99.69%
Dharma EXH 15 3891 -3 99.92%
デッドボヲルdeホームラン EXH 15 3908 -13 99.67%
Voice 2 Voice EXH 15 3909 -8 99.8%
ツインソウル~輪廻する旋律~ EXH 13 3919 -18 99.54%
cloud HVN 17 3954 -6 99.85%
In The Breeze EXH 16 3960 -3 99.92%
ハナビラ:リンクス EXH 15 3966 -1 99.97%
Le Merle Noir MXM 16 3970 -35 99.13%
World of Iris EXH 16 3975 0 100.0%
bass 2 bass [Tracy vs. Astronomical Remix] MXM 16 3975 0 100.0%
Ignited Night burst EXH 14 3985 -8 99.8%
ナナイロライト MXM 15 3991 -1 99.97%
EXH 13 3992 -21 99.48%
Phantom dinning tonight! EXH 16 4006 -10 99.75%
Typhoon Craaash!! EXH 15 4010 -4 99.9%
Get out of my sight EXH 15 4010 -19 99.53%
Shadows in the Light EXH 13 4011 -2 99.95%
The Wind of Gold -HΔPPY MIX- EXH 15 4028 -8 99.8%
will o' the wisp EXH 13 4029 -11 99.73%
further the future EXH 15 4033 -5 99.88%
ルーネイトエルフ(Riz Mix) EXH 14 4051 -1 99.98%