
rmashi さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1979件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
Oriens MXM 17 6136 -34 99.45%
β MXM 17 6718 -20 99.7%
Libera me MXM 17 5683 -37 99.35%
CUTE-Reflection MXM 17 6727 -37 99.45%
ボーイミーツ・ブルー MXM 17 5905 -11 99.81%
Game Over MXM 17 6008 -19 99.68%
Vigor MXM 17 5134 -33 99.36%
Carry Me Away MXM 17 5849 -27 99.54%
Rebuilding of Paradise Lost MXM 17 6170 -26 99.58%
Heavenly Adventure MXM 17 5235 -12 99.77%
零の位相 MXM 17 5292 -14 99.74%
{albus} EXH 17 6375 -27 99.58%
Zero-Day Exploit EXH 17 6250 -33 99.47%
JOMANDA EXH 17 6320 -56 99.12%
Emperor's Divide EXH 17 6760 -17 99.75%
cross the future EXH 17 5526 -10 99.82%
StrayedCatz GRV 17 5965 -106 98.25%
Triple Counter EXH 17 6788 -16 99.76%
ウエンレラの氷華 GRV 17 6427 -50 99.23%
焔 -MAGMA- MXM 17 6538 -15 99.77%
The End of War EXH 17 6343 -86 98.66%
Metamorphobia EXH 17 5852 -23 99.61%
HE4VEN ~天国へようこそ~ EXH 17 6254 -31 99.51%
物凄いスペースシャトルでこいしが物凄いうた MXM 17 6564 -24 99.64%
ケムマキunderground MXM 17 6315 -18 99.72%