
rmashi さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1979件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
Garland MXM 18 7139 -122 98.32%
Juggler's Maddness MXM 18 8400 -41 99.51%
怒槌 MXM 18 10050 -89 99.12%
Across the Starlight MXM 18 6674 -33 99.51%
マツヨイナイトバグ MXM 18 7187 -12 99.83%
Ice Fortress MXM 18 7540 -74 99.03%
Distorted Floor -Boosted- MXM 18 5613 -23 99.59%
STIGMA MXM 18 6561 -35 99.47%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 7115 -36 99.5%
MG277 EXH 18 5650 -95 98.35%
最果ての勇者にラブソングを MXM 18 6011 -29 99.52%
Catch Our Fire! MXM 18 7154 -32 99.55%
Midnight City Warfare MXM 18 6564 -42 99.36%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- MXM 18 8380 -67 99.21%
無魎大数 MXM 18 7340 -34 99.54%
Scars of FAUNA(ろひ Remix) MXM 18 6405 -39 99.39%
With It This Heaven? MXM 18 7100 -42 99.41%
Twinkle Rookie MXM 18 7687 -31 99.6%
~仔羊のナヴァラン・クリシェを添えて~ MXM 18 7169 -40 99.45%
Pure Ruby MXM 18 7098 -43 99.4%
涙の女神と無形のエトワル MXM 18 6043 -59 99.03%
XXanadu#climaXX MXM 18 7384 -38 99.49%
STEEL NEEDLE MXM 18 6607 -38 99.43%
ユメブキ MXM 18 5601 -11 99.8%
《Re:miniscence》 EXH 18 7202 -101 98.62%