
rmashi さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1979件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
#Endroll EXH 18 5286 -23 99.57%
Stairway to the sun MXM 18 6475 -28 99.57%
怒槌 MXM 18 10050 -89 99.12%
光風霽月 MXM 18 7035 -88 98.76%
あいあむなんばーわんパトラちゃん様 MXM 18 7573 -41 99.46%
Juggler's Maddness MXM 18 8400 -41 99.51%
Lazurite MXM 18 7255 -19 99.74%
Яe's NoVǢ MXM 18 8287 -30 99.64%
refluxio MXM 18 7728 -127 98.38%
PUPA MXM 18 7564 -67 99.12%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7476 -50 99.34%
Kontrol Line MXM 18 6914 -29 99.58%
Chat perché MXM 18 6749 -56 99.18%
神罰 MXM 18 7837 -66 99.16%
ИADIR MXM 18 7548 -29 99.62%
White Stream MXM 18 7506 -61 99.19%
Snowmelt MXM 18 7607 -66 99.14%
You Are My Best RivaL!! EXH 18 8677 -122 98.61%
Grandeur MXM 18 6448 -26 99.6%
PHOTON BLAXT MXM 18 6429 -28 99.57%
Mynarco(Nagomu 2Step Remix) MXM 18 7513 -31 99.59%
Goddess Bless you MXM 18 8017 -43 99.47%
TRICKL4SH 220 MXM 18 5814 -42 99.28%
爆烈歓迎♪エクストリーム飲茶旋風脚ッ!! MXM 18 5758 -37 99.36%
Memory Flow MXM 18 5755 -13 99.77%