
gaseri さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1628件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
HAELE III ~Angel Worlds~ GRV 18 7377 -115 98.47%
Firestorm EXH 18 5009 -13 99.74%
ΑΩ EXH 18 6873 -52 99.25%
Twinkle Rookie MXM 18 7653 -65 99.16%
Kontrol Line MXM 18 6871 -72 98.96%
《Re:miniscence》 EXH 18 7175 -128 98.25%
Yum Yum Sweetie MXM 18 7567 -123 98.4%
Across the Starlight MXM 18 6604 -103 98.46%
Crystalia MXM 18 6786 -59 99.14%
Macuilxochitl (Latin Jazz Mix) MXM 18 6555 -85 98.72%
EMERALDAS (Yuta Imai Remix) MXM 18 6843 -30 99.56%
Bl∞min' EXH 18 9153 -157 98.31%
Angels And Demons EXH 18 6138 -42 99.32%
Refrain MXM 18 6573 -56 99.16%
Cloud Crasher GRV 18 6539 -73 98.9%
Valanga(polysha Remix) MXM 18 6137 -44 99.29%
For UltraPlayers EXH 18 7260 -74 98.99%
上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea Orchid Remix VVD 18 6459 -49 99.25%
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake VVD 18 6141 -59 99.05%
Fl0ating: MXM 18 6777 -50 99.27%
最果ての勇者にラブソングを MXM 18 5981 -59 99.02%
Petit espoir MXM 18 8102 -39 99.52%
Initiating League MXM 18 6669 -35 99.48%
graduation MXM 18 8219 -130 98.44%
灼ナル刃、破カヰ譜 MXM 18 6245 -44 99.3%