
gaseri さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1628件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Theme of Ricerca MXM 18 5691 -68 98.82%
The world of sound EXH 17 5920 -40 99.33%
The world of sound HVN 18 7370 -108 98.56%
The star in eclipse XCD 18 7914 -37 99.53%
The star in eclipse EXH 17 6860 -26 99.62%
The setting sun EXH 17 4150 -10 99.76%
The Sampling Paradise (P*Light Remix) EXH 17 4937 -25 99.5%
The Sampling Paradise (P*Light Remix) XCD 18 5481 -54 99.02%
The Sampling Paradise (N-Driver Style) EXH 16 4969 -47 99.06%
The King Of Red MXM 18 7151 -91 98.74%
The Golden Era MXM 18 6527 -43 99.35%
The Formula MXM 18 7250 -82 98.88%
The First Step MXM 17 4236 -49 98.86%
The End of War EXH 17 6368 -61 99.05%
The EXworld of sound MXM 18 7384 -78 98.95%
The Clown of 24stairs EXH 17 5710 -43 99.25%
The Clown of 24stairs MXM 19 7639 -232 97.05%
Thank you for your playing music MXM 18 7582 -63 99.18%
Teufel MXM 18 7373 -56 99.25%
Test Flight MXM 18 8312 -45 99.46%
Technical Master MXM 17 5316 -17 99.68%
Taiko Drum Monster MXM 18 7911 -91 98.86%
TYCOON INF 17 5473 -33 99.4%
TWO-TORIAL EXH 17 5291 -57 98.93%
TWO-TORIAL MXM 19 6881 -203 97.13%