
syobon_9 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 881件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
VOLTEXES IV MXM 17 5132 -40 99.23%
НУМЛ MXM 18 7602 -182 97.66%
ツキアカリ MXM 17 5602 -41 99.27%
ボーイミーツ・ブルー MXM 17 5878 -38 99.36%
KAC 2013 ULTIMATE MEDLEY -HISTORIA SOUND VOLTEX- Empress Side MXM 19 9290 -340 96.47%
Goddess Bless you MXM 18 7927 -133 98.35%
PIERROT KNIfE MXM 17 6312 -62 99.03%
#SpeedyCats MXM 18 6416 -322 95.22%
TWO-TORIAL MXM 19 6843 -241 96.6%
It's a new day! MXM 16 4188 -33 99.22%
Poppin’Cats!! MXM 17 5746 -84 98.56%
DREAMING-ING!! MXM 15 3815 -18 99.53%
Scarlet Lance MXM 18 7001 -109 98.47%
新米天使のメランコリー MXM 16 3816 -25 99.35%
銃弾は解を撃ち抜いて MXM 17 6470 -89 98.64%
Drizzly Venom MXM 17 5091 -43 99.16%
ナイト・オブ・ロンド MXM 15 3978 -17 99.57%
Time to Air (jazz it up style) MXM 16 4523 -37 99.19%
NEON LOVE♥POTION!!! MXM 17 5997 -36 99.4%
waxing and wanding(SS Remix) MXM 16 5176 -10 99.81%
WONDER_WOBBLER MXM 17 6398 -49 99.24%
Claidheamh Soluis-光の剣- feat.はるの MXM 16 5469 -36 99.35%
のぼれ八坂坂! MXM 18 6609 -85 98.73%
Spirit of the Beast MXM 18 6575 -118 98.24%
Concertino in Blue MXM 18 5587 -188 96.74%