
twinreik さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 3566件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
零次元エクスプレス MXM 17 6927 -5 99.93%
Six String Proof MXM 17 5650 -4 99.93%
Xéroa EXH 17 5103 -8 99.84%
Dawn of Asia(Alkome Remix) MXM 17 5901 0 100.0%
ゴーストルール MXM 17 6164 0 100.0%
Virtual to LIVE MXM 17 5562 0 100.0%
君は Fantasista MXM 17 6505 0 100.0%
Aragami MXM 17 6486 -11 99.83%
Demetel (Erixa ”MYTH” Remix) MXM 17 5712 -2 99.96%
and After the Merry BADEND EXH 17 5611 -7 99.88%
Breakneck Pursuit EXH 17 6488 -2 99.97%
Dyscontrolled Galaxy EXH 17 6458 -17 99.74%
One More Lovely EXH 17 5678 -2 99.96%
Spectacular“V”Adventure! EXH 17 5975 -8 99.87%
Undead Raving Scare EXH 17 6448 -6 99.91%
αzalea EXH 17 6235 0 100.0%
QQ EXH 17 5589 -7 99.87%
Failnaught EXH 17 7038 -6 99.91%
Elemental Creation EXH 17 7348 -4 99.95%
ドゥサンコオデッセイ!! EXH 17 5794 -9 99.84%
iLLness LiLin EXH 17 5656 -9 99.84%
All Clear!! MXM 17 5973 -3 99.95%
Reverenced Flower EXH 17 6904 -8 99.88%
おにけもだんす MXM 17 5087 0 100.0%
MXM 17 5449 0 100.0%