
hisa3996 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1827件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
The world of sound EXH 17 5902 -58 99.03%
The world of sound HVN 18 7401 -77 98.97%
The willow and snow EXH 14 3885 -10 99.74%
The star in eclipse EXH 17 6866 -20 99.71%
The star in eclipse XCD 18 7924 -27 99.66%
The setting sun EXH 17 4109 -51 98.77%
The Starry true EXH 12 2529 -1 99.96%
The King Of Red MXM 18 7204 -38 99.48%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5129 -17 99.67%
The Golden Era MXM 18 6546 -24 99.63%
The Formula MXM 18 7211 -121 98.35%
The End of War EXH 17 6378 -51 99.21%
The Clown of 24stairs EXH 17 5724 -29 99.5%
The Clown of 24stairs MXM 19 7679 -192 97.56%
Thank you for your playing music MXM 18 7621 -24 99.69%
Test Flight EXH 15 5389 -10 99.81%
Test Flight MXM 18 8321 -36 99.57%
Technical Master MXM 17 5325 -8 99.85%
Taiko Drum Monster MXM 18 7716 -286 96.43%
TYCOON INF 17 5496 -10 99.82%
TYCOON EXH 15 4148 -3 99.93%
TWO-TORIAL MXM 19 7002 -82 98.84%
TRIGGER★HAPPY GRV 16 5247 -15 99.71%
TRICKL4SH 220 MXM 18 5829 -27 99.54%
TOXIC VIBRATION EXH 17 6136 -61 99.02%