
hisa3996 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1827件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
Symphonic Tear MXM 18 6713 -38 99.44%
Divine's:Bugscript MXM 18 8272 -105 98.75%
世界の果てに約束の凱歌を -VOLTEX Mix- MXM 18 6938 -68 99.03%
Evans MXM 18 6095 -35 99.43%
New Leaf MXM 18 6886 -24 99.65%
Re:End of a Dream MXM 18 7834 -62 99.21%
業焔繚乱 GRV 18 7477 -55 99.27%
CHERNOBOG MXM 18 7237 -45 99.38%
Corrupting Wonderland MXM 18 7416 -20 99.73%
Defining Future MXM 18 5476 -93 98.33%
Black Lotus MXM 18 6398 -45 99.3%
INSECTICIDE EXH 18 6983 -50 99.29%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 7061 -90 98.74%
apo:llioth MXM 18 6908 -33 99.52%
BlueMoon Princess MXM 18 7773 -72 99.08%
With It This Heaven? MXM 18 7077 -65 99.09%
Going My Future! MXM 18 6068 -23 99.62%
Яe's NoVǢ MXM 18 8206 -111 98.67%
Archangelio MXM 18 6240 -75 98.81%
ワールズエンド・ダンスホール MXM 18 6193 -22 99.65%
I EXH 18 8211 -64 99.23%
星の透る夏空に願う MXM 18 7960 -62 99.23%
Cloud 9 MXM 18 6240 -37 99.41%
Sacrifice and Faith MXM 18 6759 -70 98.97%
神話に芽吹く MXM 18 7333 -99 98.67%