
shink さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1230件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Typhoon Craaash!! GRV 18 5445 -121 97.83%
Twinkle Rookie EXH 15 5035 -43 99.15%
Twinkle Rookie MXM 18 7602 -116 98.5%
Twin Blaster EXH 16 5288 -93 98.27%
Twilight ∞ nighT MXM 17 4545 -153 96.74%
Turn the story MXM 18 6428 -191 97.11%
True Blue EXH 17 5914 -122 97.98%
Triple Counter EXH 17 6706 -98 98.56%
Trill auf G MXM 19 8365 -443 94.97%
Touch My Body MXM 18 5099 -176 96.66%
Tomorrow Perfume (C-Show Remix) EXH 16 4873 -98 98.03%
Tomato Leaf Breaks EXH 13 4397 -29 99.34%
To:BrandNewDeadline MXM 18 6774 -190 97.27%
Time to Air -Fly High Remix- EXH 17 6519 -187 97.21%
Tic Exe MXM 17 5658 -93 98.38%
Theme of Ricerca MXM 18 5653 -106 98.16%
The world of sound HVN 18 7196 -282 96.23%
The world of sound EXH 17 5752 -208 96.51%
The star in eclipse EXH 17 6745 -141 97.95%
The setting sun EXH 17 4142 -18 99.57%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5064 -82 98.41%
The Golden Era MXM 18 6364 -206 96.86%
The Formula MXM 18 7077 -255 96.52%
The Clown of 24stairs MXM 19 7233 -638 91.89%
Thank you for your playing music EXH 16 5297 -23 99.57%