
odeodeweapon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1591件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▼ %
侍Annihilate!! EXH 18 7039 -90 98.74%
パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! EXH 17 5366 -90 98.35%
ウサテイ EXH 15 4468 -90 98.03%
Earthquake Super Shock - SDVX Edit. - EXH 15 4649 -90 98.1%
フェアリーテイル・ラヴァーズ MXM 17 5266 -89 98.34%
toy boxer MXM 17 4873 -89 98.21%
超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで EXH 17 5938 -89 98.52%
Empty Backdoor MXM 17 4825 -88 98.21%
Addicted Moon MXM 16 6572 -88 98.68%
Khionos TiARA EXH 16 5345 -88 98.38%
lEyl EXH 16 5774 -87 98.52%
Burning Spark! MXM 16 4901 -87 98.26%
WONDER_WOBBLER EXH 14 4180 -87 97.96%
Barbless Ego GRV 18 5573 -86 98.48%
Colors MXM 16 5027 -86 98.32%
ECHIDNA EXH 15 4459 -86 98.11%
Xepher Light and Darkness Dragon REMIX EXH 16 3986 -86 97.89%
Sounds Of Summer EXH 16 5286 -85 98.42%
スーパー戦湯ババンバーン MXM 17 6014 -84 98.62%
croiX EXH 16 5493 -84 98.49%
みたらしプラトニック (feat. nicamoq) MXM 17 5083 -83 98.39%
Aurolla EXH 16 5745 -83 98.58%
Beyond the BLUE EXH 16 3946 -83 97.94%
JUGGLE MXM 17 5196 -83 98.43%
ショットガン・ラヴァーズ EXH 16 6649 -83 98.77%