
odeodeweapon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1591件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- VVD 16 5442 -27 99.51%
50th Memorial Songs -二人の時 ~under the cherry blossoms~- EXH 14 4025 -11 99.73%
50th Memorial Songs -Flagship medley- VVD 16 4806 -46 99.05%
アオアラシ EXH 15 3681 -39 98.95%
Enchanté MXM 18 5391 -185 96.68%
Enchanté EXH 15 4211 -50 98.83%
Bye or not MXM 17 5901 -33 99.44%
Bye or not EXH 14 4015 -14 99.65%
VIVID DEBUT! EXH 14 3760 -4 99.89%
港町レディ MXM 16 4432 -13 99.71%
港町レディ EXH 13 3600 -19 99.47%
Aurolla EXH 16 5745 -83 98.58%
Glorious Journey EXH 16 6604 -76 98.86%
Sacrifice Escape: 不条理の模倣による感情と代償 EXH 14 2869 -19 99.34%
翠雨の祷 EXH 16 5335 -92 98.3%
SociuS EXH 15 4513 -60 98.69%
50th Memorial Songs -Beginning Story- VVD 16 5234 -68 98.72%
Sharkbait MXM 17 3491 -4 99.89%
Sharkbait EXH 15 3275 0 100.0%
スイーツはとまらない♪ MXM 16 5415 -14 99.74%
Hi-Fi!!双子'S MXM 16 5904 -36 99.39%
Hi-Fi!!双子'S EXH 14 4726 -26 99.45%
ヒカリユリイカ MXM 16 4469 -20 99.55%
MXM 18 5896 -273 95.57%
EXH 16 4216 -51 98.8%