
odeodeweapon さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1591件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
Bye or not MXM 17 5901 -33 99.44%
Tribal Trial MXM 17 5196 -320 94.2%
Technical Master MXM 17 5291 -42 99.21%
clear:wings MXM 17 6746 -241 96.55%
fantastic dreamer/アニメ「この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!」より MXM 17 4302 -99 97.75%
XROSS INFECTION EXH 17 5634 -476 92.21%
Mischievous theater MXM 17 5589 -327 94.47%
PIZZATIME MXM 17 4910 -92 98.16%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 6543 -605 91.54%
LaμreLs ~the Angelus~ EXH 17 5237 -190 96.5%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard EXH 17 7176 -608 92.19%
Smoked Turkey Rag MXM 17 5796 -69 98.82%
snow storm -euphoria- EXH 17 6811 -227 96.77%
Quark MXM 17 6094 -204 96.76%
BAYONEX EXH 17 5538 -62 98.89%
ロキ MXM 17 4264 -36 99.16%
Line 4 Ruin -kohumix- MXM 17 5221 -672 88.6%
スーパー戦湯ババンバーン MXM 17 6014 -84 98.62%
Sailing Force EXH 17 5507 -136 97.59%
超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで EXH 17 5938 -89 98.52%
Fly far bounce MXM 17 4650 -105 97.79%
voltississimo EXH 17 5909 -165 97.28%
Apex of the World EXH 17 5119 -107 97.95%
すべてが幻になった後で EXH 17 4059 -152 96.39%
CENSORED!! EXH 17 5698 -142 97.57%