
roble92 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1081件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
限界突破リザレクション MXM 18 6620 -38 99.43%
孤独の番人 HVN 18 5872 -49 99.17%
End of Guilty MXM 18 6318 -92 98.56%
Puni Puni Parade MXM 18 6887 -46 99.34%
Ultimate Ascension EXH 18 6663 -71 98.95%
ユメブキ MXM 18 5577 -35 99.38%
カジノファイヤーことみちゃん MXM 18 6869 -51 99.26%
Endless GRAVITY EXH 18 5537 -43 99.23%
Foolish Hero XCD 18 6160 -53 99.15%
Destined Marionette MXM 18 7332 -61 99.17%
侍Annihilate!! EXH 18 7067 -62 99.13%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7473 -53 99.3%
AIM HIGHER MXM 18 5964 -36 99.4%
The star in eclipse XCD 18 7919 -32 99.6%
All for One MXM 18 6890 -65 99.07%
She is my wife すーぱーアイドル☆ミツル子Remixちゃん VVD 18 5551 -38 99.32%
Pure Ruby MXM 18 7082 -59 99.17%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ EXH 18 6166 -84 98.66%
XROSS THE XOUL GRV 18 7611 -47 99.39%
Restless Waitress MXM 18 6933 -23 99.67%
Renegade Fruits GRV 18 7821 -62 99.21%
Vallasotiena MXM 18 6733 -60 99.12%
MG277 EXH 18 5611 -134 97.67%
Fox4-Raize- EXH 18 6140 -73 98.83%
G4ME ØVEЯ MXM 18 6723 -76 98.88%