
mana さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1956件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
Nostalgic Blood of the Strife EXH 16 5037 -41 99.19%
Venomous Firefly EXH 16 5208 -81 98.47%
ユキバレ*ぱれいど MXM 16 5233 -46 99.13%
トーホータノシ (feat. 抹) MXM 16 6084 -92 98.51%
ポメグラネイト EXH 16 4154 -48 98.86%
リバース MXM 16 3493 -28 99.2%
starmine (nora2r Remix) MXM 16 5042 -34 99.33%
晴天Bon Voyage MXM 16 6053 -49 99.2%
春告胡蝶 EXH 16 5052 -39 99.23%
STULTI EXH 16 4673 -75 98.42%
POSSESSION (Aoi Q.E.D. RMX) EXH 16 4378 -110 97.55%
Sweet Requiem EXH 16 5116 -36 99.3%
Hug!! Vs. Hug!! EXH 16 4047 -51 98.76%
Kontrol Line EXH 16 5301 -51 99.05%
Strawberry Crisis EXH 16 5714 -59 98.98%
ゴーストマスコット MXM 16 5316 -35 99.35%
VALKYRIE ASSAULT EXH 16 5100 -64 98.76%
透明な記憶の風穴 MXM 16 5074 -22 99.57%
鬼KYOKAN EXH 16 5609 -62 98.91%
TU-MA-MI△ALL-NIGHTER EXH 16 4169 -67 98.42%
Taiko Drum Monster EXH 16 5222 -95 98.21%
Xevel EXH 16 6626 -68 98.98%
dreamin' of u MXM 16 5250 -64 98.8%
JUNKIE FLAVOR EXH 16 4522 -72 98.43%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- EXH 16 6190 -70 98.88%