
mana さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1956件
曲名 難易度 ▼ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Triple Counter EXH 17 6726 -78 98.85%
BAYONEX EXH 17 5338 -262 95.32%
NEO TREASON EXH 16 6368 -63 99.02%
Lord=Crossight EXH 17 5647 -120 97.92%
eastward -sdvx edit- EXH 16 5129 -45 99.13%
Voynich:Manuscript EXH 17 5907 -97 98.38%
Completeness Under Incompleteness EXH 16 5866 -101 98.31%
Restless Waitress EXH 16 5319 -29 99.46%
The End of War EXH 17 6216 -213 96.69%
Celestial stinger EXH 16 4731 -64 98.67%
G4ME ØVEЯ EXH 16 4567 -32 99.3%
Cappuccino Hearts EXH 16 4145 -57 98.64%
Everything but the Girl EXH 13 4348 -27 99.38%
Ok!! Hug Me EXH 16 5483 -99 98.23%
EGOISM 440 (Ange;art remix) EXH 16 5054 -41 99.2%
Laughin' Muffin EXH 16 4925 -39 99.21%
Locus of Control EXH 13 4284 -20 99.54%
€omet popcorn EXH 16 5736 -35 99.39%
~仔羊のナヴァラン・クリシェを添えて~ EXH 16 4647 -25 99.46%
Rapsodia d'amore EXH 17 5750 -126 97.86%
Hurt me plenty EXH 16 4639 -63 98.66%
Perfect Ultimate Celebration!! EXH 16 5533 -39 99.3%
Solitude & Nightmare EXH 16 4791 -32 99.34%
Discover the Life EXH 16 5421 -38 99.3%
Get back here EXH 16 4545 -26 99.43%