
39motty さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2532件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Jump! EXH 13 4605 -17 99.63%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- EXH 16 6242 -18 99.71%
BabeL ~Next Story~ EXH 17 6387 -87 98.66%
Pieces EXH 12 3349 -3 99.91%
THUNDERCRACK EXH 17 5456 -20 99.63%
Find the Answer EXH 12 2751 -8 99.71%
The setting sun EXH 17 4156 -4 99.9%
eternite EXH 16 4868 -9 99.82%
Elemental Creation EXH 17 7329 -23 99.69%
further the future EXH 15 4020 -18 99.55%
I EXH 18 8201 -74 99.11%
The willow and snow EXH 14 3879 -16 99.59%
TIEFSEE EXH 17 6932 -28 99.6%
ショットガン・ラヴァーズ EXH 16 6716 -16 99.76%
Oriental Blossom EXH 16 4618 -11 99.76%
Xb10r EXH 17 6380 -31 99.52%
MEGANE EXH 12 3252 -10 99.69%
Katharsis EXH 16 4149 -31 99.26%
voltississimo EXH 17 6056 -18 99.7%
シリョクケンサ EXH 12 997 -2046 32.76%
Arcadia EXH 12 2376 0 100.0%
Reb∞t EXH 16 6457 -20 99.69%
Pieces of a Dream EXH 17 6366 -39 99.39%
Symphonic Tear EXH 16 4596 -16 99.65%
虚空と光明のディスクール EXH 13 4080 -9 99.78%