
39motty さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2532件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Hyper☆Chipspace EXH 16 5466 -7 99.87%
Violet Soul EXH 16 5160 -26 99.5%
飛花落葉 EXH 14 4609 -6 99.87%
Pieces EXH 12 3349 -3 99.91%
FIRE FIRE(Kazmasa Remix) EXH 17 6399 -36 99.44%
Find the Answer EXH 12 2751 -8 99.71%
Belly Flopper EXH 15 5029 -14 99.72%
ぼくらしかしらない EXH 17 5912 -25 99.58%
MEGANE EXH 12 3252 -10 99.69%
物凄い狂っとるフランちゃんが物凄いうた EXH 17 5511 -51 99.08%
Liming Light EXH 13 4710 -6 99.87%
Rubeus EXH 17 5744 -23 99.6%
Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix) EXH 17 6737 -52 99.23%
The Sampling Paradise (N-Driver Style) EXH 16 4997 -19 99.62%
Virtual Sunrise (xac remix) EXH 15 5320 -38 99.29%
Pure Evil-Aya2g Drm'n Tech Rmx- EXH 17 5909 -55 99.08%
VILE CAT EXH 18 7948 -82 98.98%
断片Story EXH 16 5404 -5 99.91%
further the future EXH 15 4020 -18 99.55%
Attack on Dwarf EXH 14 3876 0 100.0%
werewolf howls. EXH 18 6779 -90 98.69%
Pristine Bigband EXH 15 5341 -19 99.65%
Mist Tek EXH 16 5208 -26 99.5%
Little princess has no identity. EXH 17 6079 -26 99.57%
キミヱゴサーチ INF 16 4253 -10 99.77%