
39motty さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2532件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S EXH 16 6656 -10 99.85%
INFINITY OVERDRIVE GRV 17 5421 -25 99.54%
INFINITY OVERDRIVE EXH 15 4742 -16 99.66%
Crack Traxxxx GRV 18 7014 -40 99.43%
Crack Traxxxx EXH 16 6268 -27 99.57%
XROSS INFECTION GRV 19 6997 -71 99.0%
XROSS INFECTION EXH 17 6052 -58 99.05%
Double Universe GRV 17 6245 -61 99.03%
Double Universe EXH 16 5153 -11 99.79%
Dawn of Asia GRV 16 5919 -13 99.78%
Dawn of Asia EXH 15 4872 -10 99.8%
8 -eight- EXH 16 4941 -35 99.3%
snow storm -euphoria- GRV 19 7205 -146 98.01%
snow storm -euphoria- EXH 17 6970 -68 99.03%
曾根崎心中 EXH 15 4421 -21 99.53%
DEADLOCK XXX EXH 17 6132 -33 99.46%
魔法少女達の百年祭(masty core remix) EXH 15 4453 -7 99.84%
Quietus Ray HVN 19 8645 -194 97.81%
Quietus Ray EXH 17 6639 -59 99.12%
VERSUS!! EXH 15 4119 -12 99.71%
Booths of Fighters HVN 19 7281 -118 98.41%
Booths of Fighters EXH 17 6206 -30 99.52%
Playing With Fire EXH 16 4209 -29 99.32%
愛くるしフール -Not EASY!!- EXH 15 4560 -14 99.69%
U.N. Owen was her? (Hyuji Remix) EXH 13 3827 -7 99.82%