
tmyn さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1626件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Double Universe GRV 17 6249 -57 99.1%
Dawn of Asia GRV 16 5911 -21 99.65%
Dawn of Asia EXH 15 4876 -6 99.88%
8 -eight- EXH 16 4945 -31 99.38%
Over the Starlit sky EXH 15 4170 -15 99.64%
snow storm -euphoria- GRV 19 7190 -161 97.81%
snow storm -euphoria- EXH 17 6958 -80 98.86%
曾根崎心中 EXH 15 4422 -20 99.55%
DEADLOCK XXX EXH 17 6132 -33 99.46%
魔法少女達の百年祭(masty core remix) EXH 15 4448 -12 99.73%
Quietus Ray HVN 19 8584 -255 97.12%
Quietus Ray EXH 17 6643 -55 99.18%
Starlight Vision EXH 12 4273 -6 99.86%
VERSUS!! EXH 15 4118 -13 99.69%
Booths of Fighters HVN 19 7247 -152 97.95%
Booths of Fighters EXH 17 6199 -37 99.41%
Playing With Fire EXH 16 4202 -36 99.15%
Lunartic Dial EXH 16 4646 -50 98.94%
Voice 2 Voice EXH 15 3901 -16 99.59%
デストロイマーチ EXH 16 5215 -43 99.18%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX VVD 18 6914 -48 99.31%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX EXH 16 5727 -7 99.88%
恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!! EXH 15 4224 -18 99.58%
Cirno Break EXH 16 5537 -9 99.84%
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake VVD 18 6153 -47 99.24%