
dj_koyomin さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1548件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
Voltage Higher MXM 17 5902 -80 98.66%
Inscape MXM 17 5928 -92 98.47%
sink into the dream MXM 17 5110 -36 99.3%
Sailing Force EXH 17 5569 -74 98.69%
Fly far bounce MXM 17 4643 -112 97.64%
Smoked Turkey Rag MXM 17 5842 -23 99.61%
If MXM 17 5064 -35 99.31%
JUGGLE MXM 17 5211 -68 98.71%
JULIAN MXM 17 5112 -44 99.15%
Chocolate Planet MXM 17 5947 -29 99.51%
Four Leaves MXM 17 5559 -26 99.53%
Emperor's Divide EXH 17 6710 -67 99.01%
cross the future EXH 17 5517 -19 99.66%
ケムマキunderground MXM 17 6292 -41 99.35%
バイナリスター VVD 17 4886 -26 99.47%
StrayedCatz GRV 17 5958 -113 98.14%
ZEPHYRANTHES GRV 17 6230 -32 99.49%
DIABLOSIS::Nāga EXH 17 5812 -42 99.28%
Triple Counter EXH 17 6752 -52 99.24%
B.B.K.K.B.K.K. EXH 17 5124 -13 99.75%
ウエンレラの氷華 GRV 17 6410 -67 98.97%
Time to Air -Fly High Remix- EXH 17 6556 -150 97.76%
UROBØROS EXH 17 5400 -29 99.47%
Apex of the World EXH 17 5203 -23 99.56%
The star in eclipse EXH 17 6809 -77 98.88%