
karenina さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2677件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
妄想税 MXM 16 4736 -22 99.54%
妄想税 EXH 14 3631 -6 99.84%
弱虫モンブラン MXM 16 4402 -9 99.8%
弱虫モンブラン EXH 13 2990 0 100.0%
アライヴ MXM 16 5135 -8 99.84%
アライヴ EXH 14 3604 -1 99.97%
Into The Madness MXM 17 4467 -64 98.59%
Into The Madness EXH 14 3623 -4 99.89%
Cloud Crasher GRV 18 6227 -385 94.18%
Cloud Crasher EXH 16 5453 -66 98.8%
Circulator MXM 17 4422 -80 98.22%
Barbless Ego GRV 18 5560 -99 98.25%
悪戯センセーション MXM 17 6278 -184 97.15%
Get over!! MXM 16 5179 -33 99.37%
Sweetest Paranoia MXM 16 5296 -77 98.57%
諏訪大信仰 MXM 18 6709 -48 99.29%
諏訪大信仰 EXH 15 4384 -9 99.8%
Little Big Princess(DJ katsu EDIT) MXM 16 6055 -118 98.09%
Little Big Princess(DJ katsu EDIT) EXH 13 4249 -9 99.79%
Atropa bella-donna MXM 18 7646 -138 98.23%
Atropa bella-donna EXH 16 5858 -74 98.75%
Xicholauncher MXM 18 6676 -70 98.96%
THE凸GENERATOR MXM 19 7012 -525 93.03%
THE凸GENERATOR EXH 17 5438 -95 98.28%
シープドリーミン MXM 17 6161 -287 95.55%