
jupiter さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1757件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
HAVOX EXH 18 8461 -69 99.19%
CODE -CRiMSON- GRV 18 6606 -111 98.35%
INSECTICIDE EXH 18 6969 -64 99.09%
Idola HVN 18 8326 -76 99.1%
VALLIS-NERIA EXH 18 6925 -161 97.73%
She is my wife すーぱーアイドル☆ミツル子Remixちゃん VVD 18 5477 -112 98.0%
孤独の番人 HVN 18 5893 -28 99.53%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX VVD 18 6939 -23 99.67%
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake VVD 18 6169 -31 99.5%
Xepher Light and Darkness Dragon REMIX GRV 18 6229 -129 97.97%
neu BSP style XCD 18 5645 -44 99.23%
FLOWER REDALiCE Remix INF 18 7046 -60 99.16%
冥 Rockin' SWING REMIX INF 18 8720 -26 99.7%
タイムトラベル GRV 18 7280 -55 99.25%
FIRST:DREAMS MXM 18 6109 -32 99.48%
All for One MXM 18 6889 -66 99.05%
Going My Future! MXM 18 6057 -34 99.44%
Enchanté MXM 18 5525 -51 99.09%
伐折羅-vajra- EXH 18 7151 -53 99.26%
Seraphim EXH 18 6159 -33 99.47%
Angels And Demons EXH 18 6139 -41 99.34%
Devastated Territory VVD 17 5465 -22 99.6%
Xroniàl Xéro EXH 17 6717 -37 99.45%
Enjoy This Time MXM 17 5784 -11 99.81%
Chronomia EXH 17 7919 -10 99.87%