
them さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2456件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▼ %
Nostalgic Blood of the Strife EXH 16 5048 -30 99.41%
夏色DIARY -Summer Dazzlin' Vacation miX- EXH 17 5598 -30 99.47%
Hustle Beat!! EXH 15 4675 -30 99.36%
Redshift EXH 16 5354 -30 99.44%
VΛZiLiSQ EXH 17 6045 -30 99.51%
Le Fruit Défendu EXH 16 5537 -30 99.46%
ΛΛemoria EXH 17 6177 -30 99.52%
NIN-NIN-NIN!! MXM 17 5213 -30 99.43%
JǛPITΨR ♃ GЯÃVITÝ MXM 18 6924 -30 99.57%
CHOVERY GOOSE!!! MXM 18 6029 -30 99.5%
Xeno Gravity EXH 17 5196 -30 99.43%
Aerial Fortress EXH 16 5344 -30 99.44%
Valanga(polysha Remix) EXH 16 4386 -30 99.32%
Xicholauncher MXM 18 6716 -30 99.56%
NEO TREASON EXH 16 6401 -30 99.53%
What an amazing swing MXM 17 5898 -30 99.49%
七七七夕 MXM 18 6964 -30 99.57%
GIGI BABA(brz_style) MXM 18 5998 -30 99.5%
c2Theater MXM 18 6301 -29 99.54%
I Left for my Right MXM 17 5132 -29 99.44%
EMERALDAS (Yuta Imai Remix) MXM 18 6844 -29 99.58%
Believe In Yourself GRV 18 5506 -29 99.48%
Poppin’Cats!! MXM 17 5801 -29 99.5%
Make Magic MXM 18 7571 -29 99.62%
永遠に幸せになる方法、見つけました。 MXM 18 4509 -29 99.36%