
them さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2456件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▲ EX Score MAX- %
ENDGAME MXM 18 6109 -57 99.08%
SHARK ATTACK MXM 18 5137 -4 99.92%
Stairway to the sun MXM 18 6436 -67 98.97%
SAVE the World MXM 18 5752 -12 99.79%
Thousand Triggers MXM 18 8403 -110 98.71%
神罰 MXM 18 7798 -105 98.67%
イグノアザーズ MXM 18 5887 -77 98.71%
儚キ戀ノ幻想譚 MXM 18 6383 -24 99.63%
夢幻泡影 MXM 18 6446 -66 98.99%
極夜、暁を望んで MXM 18 8940 -47 99.48%
Revvable Engine MXM 18 7075 -38 99.47%
Scat Jazz Dance MXM 18 5011 -69 98.64%
You Are My Best RivaL!! EXH 18 8585 -214 97.57%
Initiating League MXM 18 6653 -51 99.24%
光風霽月 MXM 18 6985 -138 98.06%
灼ナル刃、破カヰ譜 MXM 18 6271 -18 99.71%
《Re:miniscence》 EXH 18 7205 -98 98.66%
Puni Puni Parade MXM 18 6902 -31 99.55%
XXanadu#climaXX MXM 18 7372 -50 99.33%
限界突破リザレクション MXM 18 6636 -22 99.67%
Triple Cross MXM 18 7105 -21 99.71%
ユメブキ MXM 18 5581 -31 99.45%
Bigbang Faker MXM 18 5873 -44 99.26%
G4ME ØVEЯ MXM 18 6751 -48 99.29%
nostos -ark remix- MXM 18 5695 -40 99.3%