
kurayarambda さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2038件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
PRESERVED VAMPIRE MXM 17 5614 -17 99.7%
PRIDE of the FIREBALL MXM 17 6319 -2 99.97%
PROVOES*PROPOSE <<êl fine>> GRV 18 6120 -31 99.5%
PROVOES*PROPOSE <<êl fine>> EXH 16 4726 -11 99.77%
PSYCHO+HEROES VVD 18 6880 -6 99.91%
PSYCHO+HEROES EXH 16 5252 -5 99.9%
PULSE LASER EXH 12 3299 -14 99.58%
PULSE LASER INF 16 4600 -4 99.91%
PUNISHER EXH 16 5171 -4 99.92%
PUPA EXH 16 5816 -23 99.61%
PUPA MXM 18 7623 -8 99.9%
Paradigm Shift MXM 18 8018 -18 99.78%
Paradission EXH 17 5791 -7 99.88%
Parousia EXH 17 6597 -10 99.85%
Party Stream !! EXH 15 5040 -9 99.82%
Perfect Ultimate Celebration!! EXH 16 5566 -6 99.89%
Perfect Ultimate Celebration!! MXM 18 7090 -22 99.69%
Pet Peeve EXH 17 4150 -2 99.95%
Petit espoir MXM 18 8132 -9 99.89%
Phantasm Brigade EXH 13 4252 -2 99.95%
Phantom Ensemble (ゆんゆん Remix) EXH 13 3408 -1 99.97%
Phantom dinning tonight! EXH 16 4009 -7 99.83%
Phlox MXM 17 5228 -16 99.69%
Pieces EXH 12 3346 -6 99.82%
Pieces of a Dream EXH 17 6394 -11 99.83%