
kurayarambda さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2038件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
WONDER_WOBBLER MXM 17 6439 -8 99.88%
WWW MXM 17 4602 0 100.0%
Warriors Aboot EXH 18 6217 -7 99.89%
Wave of Craze EXH 15 3839 -4 99.9%
We Are The Scarlet (SDVX Edit) EXH 15 4915 -3 99.94%
We Go Down MXM 18 6857 -20 99.71%
Welcome to the Mosh Pit MXM 18 6139 -10 99.84%
Wheel HVN 17 5373 -8 99.85%
Whip☆Drip MXM 17 6052 -13 99.79%
White Stream MXM 18 7558 -9 99.88%
Wings of Glory MXM 18 7132 -19 99.73%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7511 -15 99.8%
Wish upon Twin Stars GRV 18 7948 -18 99.77%
Wish upon Twin Stars EXH 17 6288 -3 99.95%
Witch in Sweetsland EXH 17 6845 -29 99.58%
With It This Heaven? MXM 18 7122 -20 99.72%
WobbleTangleFestival EXH 13 3589 -2 99.94%
World of Iris EXH 16 3965 -10 99.75%
World of Iris VVD 18 5584 -10 99.82%
World's end EXH 18 6335 -38 99.4%
Wuv U (Colorful QT3 nekomix) EXH 16 5096 0 100.0%
Wuv U -More2 HAPPY Re-Mix Special- EXH 15 4772 -1 99.98%
Wuv U(pico/ustic rmx) EXH 16 5024 -15 99.7%
XHAOS JUDGE EXH 18 7492 -21 99.72%
XHRONOXAPSULΞ EXH 18 6228 -22 99.65%