
pa84 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1332件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- ▼ %
†:OLPHEUX:† EXH 17 5438 -47 99.14%
ミュージックプレイヤー MXM 18 8189 -47 99.43%
World of Iris VVD 18 5547 -47 99.16%
Blue Stream MXM 17 5155 -47 99.1%
MAGATORO EXH 16 5189 -47 99.1%
Grand Chariot GRV 17 6808 -47 99.31%
Apex of the World EXH 17 5179 -47 99.1%
Follow Up EXH 17 5699 -47 99.18%
物凄い狂っとるフランちゃんが物凄いうた EXH 17 5515 -47 99.15%
gigadelic -stance xxxx- EXH 17 5768 -47 99.19%
For UltraPlayers EXH 18 7287 -47 99.36%
smooooch・∀・ KN mix XCD 17 6110 -47 99.24%
Crystalia MXM 18 6799 -46 99.33%
The Clown of 24stairs EXH 17 5707 -46 99.2%
EGOISM -Rebuild- MXM 17 5774 -46 99.21%
Harmonia MXM 17 5014 -46 99.09%
vivid landscape MXM 17 5403 -46 99.16%
Iridescent Clouds MXM 17 6058 -46 99.25%
PIERROT KNIfE MXM 17 6328 -46 99.28%
Rebellio EXH 17 6281 -46 99.27%
Pieces of a Dream EXH 17 6359 -46 99.28%
Firestorm EXH 18 4976 -46 99.08%
Belly Flopper EXH 15 4997 -46 99.09%
有頂天ビバーチェ EXH 16 4920 -46 99.07%
マネマネサイコトロピック EXH 14 4598 -46 99.01%