
pa84 さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1332件
曲名 ▲ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
iLLness LiLin MXM 20 7533 -423 94.68%
iLLness LiLin EXH 17 5606 -59 98.96%
infinite:youniverse MXM 17 7078 -81 98.87%
lEyl MXM 18 6965 -56 99.2%
le coeur patissiere MXM 17 5598 -24 99.57%
m1dy Deluxe MXM 18 7522 -175 97.73%
mon$tage EXH 16 4895 -146 97.1%
mqlo MXM 18 8324 -334 96.14%
neu BSP style XCD 18 5487 -202 96.45%
neu BSP style EXH 16 3967 -105 97.42%
nostos -ark remix- MXM 18 5688 -47 99.18%
onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- EXH 17 5799 -70 98.81%
onslaught -Retaliation of Bahamūt- MXM 19 7338 -648 91.89%
ouroboros -twin stroke of the end- MXM 18 8320 -127 98.5%
party:stage MXM 18 6523 -71 98.92%
perditus†paradisus EXH 17 6498 -98 98.51%
perditus†paradisus MXM 19 8069 -438 94.85%
petits fours MXM 18 7838 -76 99.04%
pique MXM 18 7716 -120 98.47%
planetarium MXM 17 5764 -35 99.4%
rE:Voltagers EXH 16 4567 -36 99.22%
rE:Voltagers GRV 18 6187 -41 99.34%
rainbow flyer -gratitude remix- EXH 16 4878 -38 99.23%
refluxio MXM 18 7722 -133 98.31%
rhythmology study MXM 17 5787 -52 99.11%