
end_puc さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1191件
曲名 難易度 Lv ▼ EX Score MAX- %
ユメブキ MXM 18 5556 -56 99.0%
Wings to fly high MXM 18 7399 -127 98.31%
Red+White=Kawaii MXM 18 6853 -82 98.82%
R.I.P.ゴシップの海 MXM 18 8117 -132 98.4%
《Re:miniscence》 EXH 18 7144 -159 97.82%
THE HEAVEN MXM 18 7525 -106 98.61%
ULTRAVELOCITY MXM 18 5971 -112 98.16%
Scars of FAUNA(ろひ Remix) MXM 18 6395 -49 99.24%
プナイプナイたいそう MXM 18 4309 -83 98.11%
Symphonic Tear MXM 18 6716 -35 99.48%
SLEEPWALKER VVD 18 5983 -117 98.08%
Lazurite MXM 18 7141 -133 98.17%
Re:Elemental Creation MXM 18 6977 -164 97.7%
L9 MXM 18 6895 -154 97.82%
Going My Future! MXM 18 6054 -37 99.39%
You Are My Best RivaL!! EXH 18 8647 -152 98.27%
Hydroblast MXM 18 5742 -126 97.85%
EMERALDAS (Yuta Imai Remix) MXM 18 6815 -58 99.16%
Revvable Engine MXM 18 7022 -91 98.72%
Perfect Ultimate Celebration!! MXM 18 7068 -44 99.38%
Triple Cross MXM 18 7096 -30 99.58%
The King Of Red MXM 18 7152 -90 98.76%
Crystalia MXM 18 6803 -42 99.39%
Grandeur MXM 18 6418 -56 99.14%
Dogeza Stairs MXM 18 8323 -124 98.53%