
whoiam さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 996件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
VAMPIRE MXM 16 4532 -19 99.58%
VAMPIRE EXH 12 3029 -10 99.67%
VALLIS-NERIA EXH 18 6766 -320 95.48%
VALKYRIE ASSAULT MXM 19 6743 -136 98.02%
V.I.P. HVN 18 6436 -143 97.83%
V MXM 18 6949 -189 97.35%
Unleashed Redness MXM 18 6717 -194 97.19%
UnivEarth EXH 18 6621 -163 97.6%
Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX VVD 18 6790 -172 97.53%
Ultimate Fury EXH 16 5450 -44 99.2%
Ultimate Ascension EXH 18 6671 -63 99.06%
U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?(TO-HOlic mix) EXH 16 5734 -24 99.58%
Twinkle Rookie MXM 18 7659 -59 99.24%
Twin Blaster EXH 16 5361 -20 99.63%
Turn the story MXM 18 6540 -79 98.81%
Triple Cross MXM 18 1898 -5228 26.63%
Triple Counter EXH 17 6773 -31 99.54%
Trill auf G MXM 19 8668 -140 98.41%
Touch My Body MXM 18 5210 -65 98.77%
Tomorrow Perfume (C-Show Remix) EXH 16 4934 -37 99.26%
To:BrandNewDeadline MXM 18 6873 -91 98.69%
Tickled Pink MXM 18 6034 -68 98.89%
Tic Exe MXM 17 5723 -28 99.51%
Thousand Triggers MXM 18 8355 -158 98.14%
The world of sound EXH 17 5805 -155 97.4%