
dustar さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1886件
曲名 難易度 ▲ Lv EX Score MAX- %
Life is beautiful MXM 17 6127 -26 99.58%
PIERROT KNIfE MXM 17 6343 -31 99.51%
Pixelated Platform MXM 17 5554 -42 99.25%
Sadistic Stabbing MXM 17 5706 -17 99.7%
MXM 17 6295 -43 99.32%
劇場版ムーニャポヨポヨスッポコニャーゴ~侵略だいず帝国!ドラマティック宇宙大戦争~ MXM 18 7482 -65 99.14%
The EXworld of sound MXM 18 7410 -52 99.3%
Pixelated Platform (Super Honey!) MXM 17 6392 -31 99.52%
逆さま♥シンデレラパレード MXM 17 4152 -34 99.19%
トーキョーサマーナイト(華金Remix) MXM 17 5072 -18 99.65%
couleur automnes de chocolat MXM 16 4314 -73 98.34%
Crystallize Forest MXM 15 4698 -29 99.39%
Smoked Turkey Rag MXM 17 5825 -40 99.32%
Aragami MXM 17 6462 -35 99.46%
Tribal Trial MXM 17 5487 -29 99.47%
FIRST:DREAMS MXM 18 6097 -44 99.28%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard MXM 19 8296 -97 98.84%
120秒のエンドロール MXM 17 6153 -10 99.84%
モザイクロール MXM 16 4987 -16 99.68%
Xymatic Scope MXM 17 5085 -14 99.73%
Teufel MXM 18 7379 -50 99.33%
Cross Fire MXM 19 7275 -37 99.49%
GODHEART MXM 19 7242 -48 99.34%
Divine's:Bugscript MXM 18 8330 -47 99.44%
MAXIVCORD MXM 17 4633 -32 99.31%