
knkg_ さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 1866件
曲名 ▼ 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Touch My Body MXM 18 5194 -81 98.46%
Tomorrow Perfume (C-Show Remix) EXH 16 4924 -47 99.05%
Together Going My Way MXM 16 5830 -22 99.62%
To:BrandNewDeadline EXH 16 5298 -40 99.25%
To:BrandNewDeadline MXM 18 6878 -86 98.77%
Time to Air (jazz it up style) MXM 16 4516 -44 99.04%
Tickled Pink EXH 16 4764 -37 99.23%
Tickled Pink MXM 18 6033 -69 98.87%
Tic Exe MXM 17 5551 -200 96.52%
Thousand Triggers MXM 18 8343 -170 98.0%
Thousand Triggers EXH 16 5262 -36 99.32%
Theme of Ricerca MXM 18 5671 -88 98.47%
The world of sound EXH 17 5812 -148 97.52%
The world of sound HVN 18 7372 -106 98.58%
The star in eclipse XCD 18 7904 -47 99.41%
The Wind of Gold (folkcore remix) EXH 14 4022 -43 98.94%
The Sampling Paradise (N-Driver Style) EXH 16 4994 -22 99.56%
The King Of Red EXH 16 5109 -37 99.28%
The King Of Red MXM 18 7088 -154 97.87%
The Golden Era MXM 18 6473 -97 98.52%
The Formula EXH 15 4752 -24 99.5%
The Formula MXM 18 7230 -102 98.61%
The First Step MXM 17 4210 -75 98.25%
The End of War EXH 17 6329 -100 98.44%
The Clown of 24stairs EXH 17 5702 -51 99.11%