
algorism さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2642件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score MAX- %
Typhoon Craaash!! EXH 15 3986 -28 99.3%
太陽曰く燃えよカオス(Sol oscuro ¡Nya! Mix) MXM 17 4299 -12 99.72%
太陽曰く燃えよカオス(Sol oscuro ¡Nya! Mix) EXH 14 3410 -11 99.68%
ねこみみ(=ФωФ=)ぱんでみみっく GRV 18 6713 -128 98.13%
回レ!雪月花 (Heart's Cry Remix) MXM 16 4434 -52 98.84%
回レ!雪月花 (Heart's Cry Remix) EXH 13 3229 -11 99.66%
ΩVERFLOW EXH 16 5718 -34 99.41%
Quark MXM 17 6210 -88 98.6%
Quark EXH 14 4170 -7 99.83%
Ghost Family Living In Graveyard EXH 17 7646 -138 98.23%
Sudden Visitor MXM 18 8435 -194 97.75%
Sudden Visitor EXH 15 5155 -17 99.67%
Black Lotus EXH 16 4869 -37 99.25%
petits fours EXH 15 5370 -22 99.59%
星の透る夏空に願う EXH 16 5903 -43 99.28%
MARENOL MXM 17 6640 -58 99.13%
MARENOL EXH 14 4950 -21 99.58%
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~ EXH 17 7018 -130 98.18%
Aerial Fortress EXH 16 5313 -61 98.86%
Dogeza Stairs EXH 16 6808 -46 99.33%
eighth-slave MXM 18 7196 -237 96.81%
eighth-slave EXH 16 4612 -18 99.61%
Cynical Joker EXH 15 4240 -29 99.32%
PIZZATIME MXM 17 4929 -73 98.54%
Mischievous theater MXM 17 5816 -100 98.31%