
algorism さんのスコア一覧です

件数: 2642件
曲名 難易度 Lv EX Score ▲ MAX- %
Party Stream !! EXH 15 5031 -18 99.64%
Corrupting Wonderland EXH 15 5032 -11 99.78%
Arcade Prison MXM 17 5032 -58 98.86%
starmine (nora2r Remix) MXM 16 5032 -44 99.13%
ツーマンライブ GRV 16 5036 -22 99.57%
Boss Rush EXH 15 5039 -27 99.47%
LOVE EAST MXM 15 5041 -11 99.78%
仙酌絶唱のファンタジア EXH 15 5044 -18 99.64%
イヤホンロマンス MXM 16 5047 -40 99.21%
ultra turbo MXM 17 5047 -230 95.64%
めうめうぺったんたん!! EXH 15 5047 -37 99.27%
Lunatic Sprinter EXH 15 5048 -46 99.1%
カーニバル EXH 14 5048 -14 99.72%
EGOISM 440 (Ange;art remix) EXH 16 5050 -45 99.12%
Deadly Dolly Dance EXH 17 5050 -65 98.73%
Xymatic Scope MXM 17 5051 -48 99.06%
Aliquam EXH 17 5052 -76 98.52%
Nostalgic Blood of the Strife EXH 16 5054 -24 99.53%
Never Ending EXH 15 5056 -50 99.02%
Twinkle Rookie EXH 15 5059 -19 99.63%
アワデコノヨヲ EXH 15 5059 -13 99.74%
六兆年と一夜物語 INF 16 5059 -38 99.25%
sink into the dream MXM 17 5060 -86 98.33%
弾幕注意報2014 EXH 15 5062 -33 99.35%
charm♡you MXM 17 5068 -66 98.71%